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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A fantastic look at the problem of evil...

Note: This is a post from my previous blog.

This book is one of the best expositions on the problem of evil that I've ever seen. Filled with stories from Alcorn's interactions with people, the human element is clearly seen. He balances this beautifully with an abundance of Scripture, for which I deeply respect him (too often Scripture is left out of discussions on topics it clearly addresses). Alcorn has also done a very thorough job. There is a lot of repetition (though most people learn best by hearing something over and over), but the topic is addressed from many angles. 

Some have said that the font in this book is small enough to make it the equivalent of a much longer book, but I don't agree. That being said, this book is on the longer side, which might deter the more casual reader. To overcome this issue, the book is divided into eleven sections based on general themes, and there are forty-five chapters, each in the neighborhood of ten pages. This book is thus set up well to be read in small portions over a longer period of time. It is also quite easy to read and understand. 

If you are faced with serious questions about the problem of evil and aren't sure of the best response, or even if you're familiar with the problem and want a more in-depth look, this book is definitely one I would recommend. 

Note: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

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